Scented potted plants

I'm looking to buy a few low-maintenance potted plants for my house. Would you have suggestions? Something that looks nice, has some fragrance (not very important), and filters the air.

Thanks and Regards


  • Hello, Pranav!

    Thank you for your question! It's a very good one that I hope to give you some good ideas for what might fit in your home.

    Firstly, I'd like to mention that it's very hard to give an example for an "air filtering plant." There is no scientific proof that your average potted plant can have a noticeable effect on the air in your house... unless you made your home into a jungle! :-) They do, however, have an effect on the mood as some lively plants indoor can uplift your moods!

    When it comes to low-maintenance plants, the following works great, with the upper ones being the easiest and the lower on the list we go the higher the maintenance:
    • The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): This one needs very little sun, very little water, and in swedish it's nicknamed the "closet plant" as it can survive in very dark and dry environments - even a closet! However, it doesn't have scent.
    • The Pothos plant (Epipremnum aureum): They prefer a little more moisture and should preferrably be misted once in a while, but is over all very easily cared for. Just as the previous one, it has no scent.
    • Dragon tree (Dracaena ssp.): An easy to care for plant that can be placed a bit into the room without worrying about it getting too dark. If you decide to try your hand at the cornstalk plant (Dracaena fragrans) you could potentially get the wonderfully scented flower - however, it's sadly quite rare for it to flower as a potted plant.
    • Hoya: The hoya is an extremely common and popular house plant that grows in long vines. They exist in many different shapes and forms - and depending on which one you get some might smell wonderfully while in bloom. 'Bella' has long been popular and has a mild, strawberry-like scent, but there are hundreds of other types as well.
    • The Chinese Money plant (Pilea peperomioides): Easy to care for with a very unique appearance. The less light it gets, the bigger the leaves! Sadly, it has no scent.
    • Peace lily (Spathiphyllum ssp.): This one needs a little more care and thorough watering, but they're very telling in when they need water and starts drooping the moment it starts to feel thirsty. Has pretty flowers but they have no scent.
    • The Madagascar Jasmine (Stephanotis floribunda): Easy to care for with a pleasant scent once it blossoms. 
    • Gardenias: The flowers on this plant has an intense scent! However, it may need more care than the above examples.

    Hope this gave some good examples for plants! I hope you find something that fits into your home! :-)
    Jennie Trädgårdsmästare

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