
I want to get rid of weeds permanently? Want to dead the soil is this possible if yes then how?


  • Hi Usman!

    It depends on the kinds of weeds you have. A whole lot of weeds are spread by seeds, and removing them is only temporary until nearby plants flower and spread new seeds. You can possibly kill the ones you have with herbicides, but you can also use other methods to get rid of them.

    Weeding before they spread new seeds is one, or you can cover the area with something that blocks out light, like a dark cloth or even thick cardboard. This kan kill the weeds that spread by roots, but be careful to cover the entire area since these can try to grow "past" the cover. It will also prevent seeds from sprouting, but these can often live in the soil for a very long time so it's not the best solution for these ones, except to kill the ones you already have.

    Many choose to use some kind of mulch to prevent the worst kinds of weed, or even a layer of stone which is the most permanent solution. Seeds can still grow if you allow debris to stay between the stones, but it helps a whole lot.

    What works best depends on your particular situation, but you can't except to get rid of weeds permanently unless you cover up with concrete or something like it. :-)
    Silje Trädgårdsmästare

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