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Winter: spices in Cultura growing box in the balcony

Hi, I have a Cultura growing box like this one (https://www.plantagen.se/cultura-odlingslada-hog-langd-78-cm-tra-511713.html) with some spices (Tymus, Salvia, Rosmarin...). I planted them in May and all of them have root well but now winter is coming.

My question is: should I cover the growing box when winter and the froze weather come? What could I use if I need to?

I've attached a picture of how it looked when I put the plants in May (now they are bigger).



  • Hi Francesc!

    Thanks for contacting us!

    It’s always hard to know if plants will survive the winter in a pot. You can increase the chance of survival by isolating the inside of the pots with bubble wrap, styrofoam or a camping sleeping pad.

    Please keep in mind that if you use a large pot the soil volume will increase and that will also be of help the plant to survive the winter months.

    Miriam Trädgårdsmästare
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