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Bigger green plant that doesn’t require light


I want to place a larger green plant like a palm of some kind next to my tv console on the floor however the spot is not next to a window and a bit on the darker side. So you have any recommendation of what plan



  • Hello Bagsen!

    Thank you for your question!

    All plants require light to some extent, some more than others. But considering we here up north get so little light during the winter months, even shade-loving plants may require to be moved a little closer to a window during parts of the year.

    That being said, grow lights are always a good solution! That way you can keep a plant even in a darker corner without needing to worry as much. Generally, grow lights need to be on for roughly 14-16 hours a day at an average of 1 decimetres distance to the plant.

    Regarding what plants that may work, I'd suggest avoiding most palms. They're more often than not sun-lovers through-and-through, but there are of course exceptions. Here are some suggestions for plants that may work:

    • Kantdracena (Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia)
    • Zamiakalla/Garderobsblomma (Zamioculcas zamiiofolia)
    • Fredskalla (Spathiphyllum)

    The Dracaena is probably the one closest to what you mention you're after, but if you'd be fine with other plants that can handle low-light conditions then I'd also suggest monstera (Monstera deliciosa) or Gullranka (Epipremnum aureum) on a moss pole. This will give a little more height to a plant that otherwise like hanging or climbing.

    Good luck! ☀
    Jennie Trädgårdsmästare

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