Ficus isn't growing

I have this ficus ruby that I purchased with some other plants in around March first week, It looked healthy to me and had a little leaf bud on it, but now it's more than a month and I find this weird that the leaf has not grown at all . It still looks like that.. while other plants are growing and showing some change. What can I do? Also it's getting proper sunlight and I water it almost in 4 days.
. kindly help thankyou!!



  • Helo Divya!

    Thank you for writing to us!

    It's not unusual that a plant that recently got moved from one environment to another will halt its growing for a bit. It's quite the stressor, after all. At best, it might grow a little slower, at worst drop a few leaves - but usually it starts up again in a little while.

    Also, remember that it's still just spring. Some plants slow down significantly during the dark winter months and may need some time to start up again. A good ide awould be to repot your plant in some new soil, this specific one preferrably with some perlite mixed into it. You can also later start to add some plant food to the water.

    Hope this helps!
    Jennie Trädgårdsmästare

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