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My areca palm is withering, what should I do?

The golden palm plant which i bought not even 6 months ago is dying and all the leaves dried up and i had remove them. Now its left with only few leaves.


  • Hello Akshay.

    I'm sorry to see that your areca palm isn't doing too good. As to why, I think it is due a couple of different reasons.

    This plant is very sensitive regarding what amount of water it needs, whether that be too much or too little. Taking too long between waterings can also shock the plant, causing weaker shoots to wither and die. Arecas need to always have some moisture in the soil, but should never be wet; it's best to check frequently by putting a finger a bit into the soil to feel if it needs any water.

    Aside from this, it's not surprising that our indoor potted plants are feeling a little rugged and tired - we get very little natural light indoors during the winter months and for plants that need a lot of indirect light, it may be a little too dark where it stands during summer. I'd suggest either getting a grow-light or placing it closer to a bright window until it gets a little brighter out.

    Lastly, as this particular plant naturally grow in tropical, humid climates. Indoor during winter it can get quite dry in the air, so to keep the air humid I'd suggest you spray water over the leaves a couple of times a week - maybe once a week during summer, to keep it healthy.

    With time and patience, and some extra light, I'm sure your areca palm will grow thicker and healthier in time.
    Jennie Trädgårdsmästare

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