Yello leaves on my plant

I don't know what is the name of my plant, but some leaves are getting yellow and I don't know why  🙁
I water it every time it needs (2 days or so, because of the heating at home), and I put it on a growing lamp every 2-3 days. It really seems to be healthy, but sometime some of the leaves turn this color... Should I remove them, or what should I do?
Thank you!



  • Hello!

    The plant you have there is a Dieffenbachia (or also called 'Dumb cane') and I think it looks very happy! :-)

    Other than the couple of withering leaves, I think your plant is doing well for the season. It's natural for plants to shed its older, lower leaves as they grow so that they can focus on new, healthier leaves.

    Now during the darker winter months it also focuses more on retaining energy, that might mean to lose a few of those older leaves that might be taking more energy to keep around than they give the plant.

    Just let those leaves wilt and dry naturally and then gently remove them. Remember that the sap from this plant is an irritant and you should take care to wash off any sap that you may get on your skin.
    Jennie Trädgårdsmästare

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